2 | Create a morning routine

Creating a morning routine you can stick to such as eating a healthy breakfast and waking up at the same time each day (even on weekends) will help you form new habits that will set yourself up for success each day!
If you’re constantly finding yourself feeling like you have no time one of the best things to do is to begin getting up earlier each morning.  Maybe you need some extra time in your day to work out? Maybe you need some extra time and your day to sit and drink a cup of coffee in peace?   Maybe you need some extra time in your day to get things done around the house? There are only 24 hours in a day. Each one of us is given the same 24 hours. 
Ever notice how some people seem to accomplish so much more than you do? I’d be willing to be they’re probably getting up earlier in an effort to make more time for the things that are important to them.  
Make it a point to set your alarm earlier but in order to make it a habit you have to be consistent.  Waking up early here and there won’t have near the same impact as doing it day in and day out.  Many high achievers even wake up early on the weekend and their days off!
Repetition will help your body get used to its new schedule and soon enough you’ll be able to wake up without an alarm clock! Now that I get up a lot earlier, I crave that time in the morning before the rest of the household gets up! It’s MY time and I often find it to be my most productive time of the day!

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